T4 Text Template “How-Do-I?” Videos

We just posted a great series of “how do i?” videos about T4. They show the value of the in-product  Online Template Gallery and Drag and Drop features very well.


Check out the videos

- T4 Video: Generate Data Transfer Objects

- T4 Video: Custom LINQ-to-SQL Classes via Drag and Drop

- T4 Video: Image Gallery via T4

- T4 Video: Generate multiple output Files with T4

- T4 Video: Generate Stored Procedures

- T4 Video: .NET Data Services Change Tracking

- T4 Video: T4 Editor #include-Directive

- T4 Video: Generate from XML File

- T4 Video: Generate from Diagram Files (DSLs)

- T4 Video: Share templates online with the build-in online T4 Gallery

We hope this helps.

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