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tangible T4 Editor 2.0 plus modeling tools – Released!

We just released the second generation of our tangible T4 Editor. Version 2.0 marks a big milestone for us. We have been working on this major release almost two years. This effort was done in parallel to the many Version 1.x updates and smaller feature improvements we shipped over the period of last 3 years T4 Editor Version 1.x exists.

What is new?

tangible T4 Editor 2.0 is almost a 100% rewrite of the existing Version 1.0 product. It addresses nearly all feedback we got from you regarding feature wishes and change requests. Thank you for providing feedback in the past – we really read every piece of feedback and take action on it.

Free Edition Users will notice these improvements and changes which result from your feedback:

  • Support for VS2010 and VS11 (Beta) – Following the tradition from 1.x we will support two Visual Studio Versions in 2.x. tangible T4 2.x will be supported for VS2010 and VS11 (Beta). We have two separate installs.
  • We use the real Visual Studio Code Editor: This now honors Tab Settings, Keybindings, UTF-8 Encoding, Version Control System Integration, Fonts and Colors, VS Search Dialog, Support for VS Editor Extensions like Incremental Search and Current Line Highlighting.
  • Support for Dark Theme – Note you can customize the T4 Code Highlighting Color under Visual Studio Menu Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts & Colors ->”tangible T4 Background”. You can customize the other colors and fonts also via this Fonts & Colors dialog.

  • New Statement-Completion within T4 Code Blocks behavior that corresponds to VS 2010 Editor behavior. Also completely new Parsers that now support newer C# and VB Language features. Also changed from generating Warnings about limitations of Free Edition to show up in Completion List instead in Error Window.
  • Additional Directives to solve VS T4 Engine limitations: #includeForIntelliSenseOnly, #assemblyForIntelliSenseOnly, #newappdomain, #IntellisenseLanguage directives.
  • Remaining Incompatibility with some ASP.NET MVC Builds should be fully resolved now.
  • Additional Documentation and Training Videos which will get online in the next few days

It also adds major features to the PRO-Edition:

  • Support for VS2010 and VS11 (Beta) and RTM (later)
  • Debugging Support - two new features: Quick Debug with Preview and Debug in separate Visual Studio instance: Allows you to run your templates in a debugger and also see the generated output while the debugging is performed.
  • New Statement-Completion within T4 Code Blocks behavior that corresponds to VS 2010 Editor behavior. Also completely new Parsers that now support newer C# and VB Language features.
  • Transform on Build feature was improved and allows you to transform specific templates each time you hit the Build Project Button or F5.
  • Navigation via Class/Member-Dropdown also to classes and members from included files.

You can review the complete list of features and improvements of tangible T4 Editor 2.0 plus modeling tools here.

FREE Edition Licensing

You can use T4 Editor Free Edition as before. There no restrictions that prevent using it in commercial or private projects. Please read the EULA for the actual use rights.

PRO Edition Licensing

As tangible T4 Editor 2.x targets both VS2010 and VS2011 and it is a complete rewrite, added significant features it is considered a major upgrade which is reflected by the version number. The license typically comes with 12 months updates and support builds of 2.x version for both VS2011 and VS2012. You will need a 2.x Activation Key to activate the Pro Version. You can order a license via our web shop.
The “Buy” button can be found on this page: 

Upgrades from 1.x PRO Versions

As this new Version is a major upgrade (not update) which allows you to use the product even with VS 11, adds significant features and is a complete rewrite we need to charge you for upgrading.

There are three offers here:

  • [EUR 99.00] tangible T4 Editor Version 2.0 plus modeling tools for VS2010/VS11 
    including 12 months of updates and support
    If you did not renew your support subscription and it timed out you need to buy the full 2.x version as if you were a new customer. Note that the price changed from USD to EUR as we are based in Germany.
  • [EUR 35.00] Upgrade Only from Version 1.x to tangible T4 Editor Version 2.0 plus modeling tools for VS2010/VS11.
    If you bought T4 Editor 1.x within the last year you can upgrade to 2.x for a small fee of 35 EUR which approximately corresponds to the price difference of 1.x and 2.x (See above). Note this offer will NOT extend your support period. If you also want to extend support you should take the next order.
  • [EUR 70.00] Upgrade and Support Renewal from Version 1.x to tangible T4 Editor Version 2.0 plus modeling tools for VS2010/VS11 including 12 months of updates and support
    This is the default option you should take if you want to upgrade. This assumes you have an active support subscription and you want to also extend it by 12 months.

New Product Website

We have put a new product website online please make sure you get a fresh new design. If you get the old site please clear your Browser Cache and DNS-Cache.

Download Locations

You can download the new 2.x versions (VS2010/VS11) and also the older 1.x versions (VS2008/VS2010) here:

Your Feedback is important to us

If you have any comment or feedback about the product and specially the new VS 11 Beta Support please do not hesitate to send us an email at

We wish you a lot of fun with the product

Tim Fischer CEO & Björn Borgsdorf CTO

tangible T4 Editor V1.9.65 - C and C++ Syntax highlighting added for output code & improved intellisense to VS2010 version

Today we added C and C++ syntax highlighting for output code and updated the intellisense once more. Also added globalisation for “Transform on Build” feature so this also works on non-english visual strudio editions now. Happy easter and enjoy 1.9.65!

Automatically Transform T4 Templates on Build - Comes with support for hostspecific EnvDTE accessing templates and support for multiple output files

Today released V1.9.64 of tangible T4 Editor for VS2010 – PRO EDITION which now allows you to also transform specific T4 templates in your project on build. Here is a short walktrough that shows that this feature also supports templates that access EnvDTE e.g. to create multiple output files.

Let’s try the basics

1. I have installed tangible T4 Editor PRO EDITION

2. I created a C# project and added a Hello file to the project with the following content

<#@ template debug="true" hostSpecific="true" #>
<# this.Write(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); #>

3. Now I can set this simple template to transform on build – so each time the project is build it is run:


4. Let’s hit “Build” and see what is reported in the output window:


Now let’s do multiple output files within this auto-transform process

3. Create a second file TempalteFileManager.ttinclude. Then right click the Editor to open the Conext menu and select “Insert Code from Gallery”.  
  Then press the button “Search online templates” to find it. then insert its contents from the gallery.


4. Now go back to and change its contents to

<#@ template debug="true" hostSpecific="true" #>
<#@ include file="TemplateFileManager.ttinclude" #>
<# var fm=TemplateFileManager.Create(this);
for (int i=1;i<3;i++){
    fm.StartNewFile("Class" + i + ".cs");
fm.Process(true); #>

5. And run it … cool i finally got this nice multiple output thing and transform on build running


Even more advanced: Generate into subdirectories and other projects:

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension=".txt" #>
<#@ include file="TemplateFileManager.CS.ttinclude" #>
<# string[] fileNames = new string[] { "class4.cs", "class5.cs", "class6.cs" };
var manager = TemplateFileManager.Create(this);
manager.CanOverrideExistingFile = false;
this.WriteLine("// Class is assigned to template ");
manager.StartNewFile("Class2.cs", folderName:"CodeFolder");
this.WriteLine("// Class is created in subfolder ");
manager.StartNewFile("Class3.cs", projectName:"ClassLibrary");
this.WriteLine("// Class is generated in Project ClassLibrary");
foreach (string item in fileNames) {
        manager.StartNewFile(item, projectName:"ClassLibrary", folderName:"SubFolder");
        this.WriteLine("// Classes are created in Project ClassLibrary/SubFolder ");
Abbildung 6

Many thanks to Björn Borgsdorf and Rene Leupold who made this thing possible!

Happy Birthday Björn!

tangible T4 Version 1.962 - Trusted Templates, XPSP3 Support, MVC3 Tools Update from MSFT

Hi there,

we did post V1.962 which makes using our templates nicer in that sense as the templates are trusted by default. Furthermore a couple of issues with XPSP3 and also Cache location for Roaming users where fixed boosting performance for roaming users.

In addition Microsoft shipped ASP.NET MVC3 Tools Update which fix an compatibility issue when our tools are installed. See our forum for details.

Please let the feedback coming - we are doing another spring right now, addressing the most requested features and love to hear from you how the new installer works for you.

Best wishes from the Tangible T4 Editor Team

Tim Fischer, CEO tangible engineering GmbH

T4 Template Tutorial for VS2010

Update 16.April 2011: You will find new ttinclude-based templates for generating multiple output files in the gallery. To use them create a file called ttinclude and insert their code as shown below. Then reference this template from some tt-file and use as described in the documentation of the template..

Learn T4 by Example

We have posted new tutorials for T4 Text-Templates in the Gallery of the tangible T4 Editor. Now we have covered everything in there from basic syntax to generating from XML, UML or DSL Diagrams.


Here is how to get there

1. Download and install the tangible T4 Editor 

2. Create a project and then select "Add Item" select a "tangible T4 Editor" basic template to create a file

3. Then right click the editor pane to bring up the context menu there select "Insert Code from Gallery"


4. In the Gallery click the Search Online Templates button to get the templates


How to enable T4 Editor V1.9 in VS2010 Experimental Instance (VS SDK Users)

There are two options:

a) The MSFT Way:

Alternatively MSFT says that starting the command

Reset the Visual Studio 2010 experimental instance" (you'll find this command in the start menu | All programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SDK)

should work. And i think that way it should work with VS2008 also.

For me it did not always work so i came up with one more way to do it.

b) The tangible way:

In order to enable T4 Editor V1.9 in the experimental hive you have to copy over files and folders from the following folder:




Then start VS Experimental Instance goto Extension Manager and enable the new extensions.

Version 1.9 available - enhancing Intelli-Sense and Template Gallery and 2010 specials

IntelliSense resolution for VS2010 in the PRO Edition have been significantly enhanced and resolves special scenarios reported by advanced users. Also, XML-Comments of files are also shown in tooltips for your own assemblies. We do not lock files and when you close your solution event the T4 Engine will release it's locks so you can rebuild. We pick then up the change once you (re-)open the tt-file.

We did now implement support for Environment Variables and Build Macros in assembly references e.g. $(ProjectDir)\$(OutDir)\MyDLL.dll for VS2010.

We did implement support for new template path resolution. If you have nested templates>b.ttinclude->c.ttinclude then in VS2010 you can use relative paths to refer from one template toanother no matter of which directory they sit in.

We did change CTRL+F also to copy the current selected item into the box (much requested).

We now support Font Settings in VS2010 and pick up the default text font you set for your Core VS Text Editor.

The Vs2008 and VS2010 T4 Editor plus modelling tools are side by side compatible.

The next release will focus on DSL-Directive processor support for your own VS2010 DSLs as they changed in VS2010 and need some tweaking to make your life easier.

Last but not least: I want to THANK YOU - our customers of FREE and PRO Edition for providing your feedback and working with us so closely. It's a pleasure to have you all and work with you!

Tim Fischer, CEO tangible engineering GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany

You can get the bits here:

For VS2008 the release is now also available.